For Christmas this year, Omar gave me a pocket dispo lens. It’s essentially a plastic “toy” lens for your DSLR or mirrorless camera, that mimics the cheapo lens on a disposable film camera or point-and-shoot. There’s no adjusting the aperture or focusing the lens; it’s all automatic and super lo-fi.

We first learned about this lens through Hailley when she photographed our elopement, and the photos she made with the lens ended up being some of our favorites. They were so dreamy and nostalgic. I was so happy that Omar remembered this detail from our special day and was so excited to try out the lens.

It took some getting used to, but I’m starting to love playing with it. One of my favorite things about the lens is that it’s super small and light (less than an inch thick!), so there’s no hesitation to bring it anywhere or worry about lugging around a heavy camera.

As if Omar’s gift wasn’t already enough, he gave me a fun assignment to shoot with it: try shooting in only black and white.

Here are a few favorites from my walk around Sunset Cliffs.

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